Saturday, October 10, 2015

How To Crack Connectify

Connectify Pro Crack 2015

Connectify is most used hotspot software that's used for sharing your broadband or any internet connection over Wi-Fi with your tablet, smartphone or other laptop.

This is easy, safe, secure and efficient for using at home, office or any indoor or outdoor internet sharing with your family, friends and coworkers.

And connectify 2015 has come with file sharing over Wi-Fi portal.

You are welcome if you use paid version,
but if you don't want to spent money on this software you can checkout my my cracked version.

This will give you almost full access.


First download this rar file. its safe, you also can use antivirus to scan.
then unzip (open) this rar file. (you can use winrar to open )
then install Connectify2015Installer.exe
while seeking permission, don't let your pc to reboot automaticly.

Now open in the compressed folder (rar)
and finally extract and copy the file named Connectify.exe 
into the program file (may be address like C:\Program Files (x86)\Connectify), let the previous file be replaced.

now restart your computer and then execute the remaining progress of installation.
don't signup or click buy now or already bought.
just close the windows.

open the program.
and USE.

Any thing in your mind?
feel free to let me know.....

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How To Make Bulletproof Glass

Bulletproof glass, balastic glass, transparent armor .......... we all know them, we know what they do and where are they used.

Now, How this brittle crystal glass become so tough?

Let's start from very initial thinking.... 

TAKE some balls (football, stone, metal ball) and glass plates  (better if square) then attach them to a firm. 
Then attach a glass plate and through a stone from very close, the glass is not broken of flexed.

Then through from a bit farther, not flexed. But cracked not broken. And check the area of crack region. Almost all over the plate. The area is vast larger then contact surface between ball and glass.

Then through the ball from more distance. Glass is broken(a hole). And also cracked. But check, this time few number of crack.  And cracking region is smaller then before.

Now through the ball from far distance and ensure enough kinetic energy (like a bullet). This time just a hole and this hole is also bit larger then the ball.

This time we'll perform this experiment with football. We may need it later. 
Through the football from long distance and with enough kinetic fore, ensure to cross the previous one. No hole. Maybe not cracked yet, or some minor crack. 

From these experiments we've seen that, glass increase the acting surface area of force. But if kinetic force is too high comparing to hitting surface area, it's brittle limit  (stiffness) cross and then the forced portion be detached. But if the hitting surface is big enough comparing to hitting surface, the glass at least will not be broken.

This time Take a polycarbonate glass plate and through the metallic ball with heavy kinetic force. Little flexed and some crack. 
But when we'll fire bullet, it will be teared , for sure.

Because the stress is too big that polymer bonds will break down.

If we gluten a crystal glass plate with a polycarbonate glass, then we fire bullet? 
First the bullet will hit the crystal glass. And the acting forced area will be increased. And glass will pretend to break and detach. But for resistance of another plate it can't but increase in area to decrease the stress. 
Then the force will hit (force not the bullet) in large area and small stress.

For tougher performance several glass plate of crystal glasses and polycarbonate glasses are attached one by one by heating and cooling reciprocally .

But they are not completely invincible, reciprocating hitting may destroy bulletproof glasses.